560 Gorge Rd. West
Victoria, BC Canada V9A 1N4


How to Forward a Domain from Godaddy.com

There are many instances where you might want to forward a domain name to another address.

Here is how you go about doing this using godaddy.com services:

  1. Login to your godaddy.com account
  2. Click "My Account" at the top left of you screen
  3. Select "Domains" from the list of services
  4. Find the domain name you wish to forward
  5. Click the "Launch" button next to the domain name
  6. Under "Domain Information" look for "Forwarding" then click the "manage" link to the right
  7. A pop-up box will appear. Enter in the address you wish to forward the domain to and then click "OK"

Forwarding with masking
The forwarding domain name will not change after a visitor has been forwarded to a new address when masking is set.

With standard forwarding, the web address that the domain name is forwarding to will appear in the browser address bar. For example, if igwd.com was set to forward to iggraphic.com," iggraphic.com" would be the name that visitors will see in their address bar. Sometimes it is desirable to have the forwarding domain name remain the address that is visible in the address bar, using the prior example, we would see igwd.com in the address bar if igwd.com was set to forward with "masking".

How to forward with masking:

  1. Follow steps 1-6 above
  2. Click on "advanced options" when you see the pop window for forwarding
  3. Select "Forward with Masking"
  4. You can enter in the "Title", "Description" and "Keywords" optionally
  5. Click "OK"